Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Veggie Tales

I had the most bizarre looking cucumbers growing in my garden-they were oddly shaped, almost kind of round. Well, when I went to harvest my little mutants for their photo session they were gone. So either aliens spotted them from outer space and brought them back home or Carlos ate them. (If he starts growing an extra eye, then I'll know for sure.)
My veggies are not doing as well as my flowers this year and many of my fellow "farmers" are having similar issues with their gardens. We did get some rain today so maybe things will improve. I do have lots of green tomatoes-they always grow like crazy here. Here are a few photos:

Some sweet banana peppers:

Better boy tomatoes (c'mon you guys-turn red already!)

And Mama Mia-that is one big zucchini!

As I was writing this post, I found out there was a large steam pipe explosion in midtown Manhattan. It is NOT terrorist related, but there is a huge crater in the road (Lexington Ave) and a few people have been injured and thousands in the area have been evacuated because there is danger of asbestos and the buildings near the crater may be unstable. My niece works in the area, but I believe she made it home safely.


Little Blue PD said...

It happened on the West side of 41st and Lexington Ave. I was like a block away in the office. At first I thought it was thunder, but it just kept going for like over 20 minutes it seemed, and it was very very loud.

Very scary, the NYPD says it was not terrorism. They say it was a steam explosion. Smoke and steam went up over the 45th floor. There was no black smoke like a fire though. People were running down Lexington. It was pretty scary, I was positive while in the area that it was terrorism.

It happened right around the corner from one of the biggest creators of traffic congestion in NYC.

Will Mayor Bloomberg do anything about Park Ave. being blocked off at 42nd street?

I think Mayor Nanny Bloomie is a very arrogant man. I also highly doubt he rides the subway that much. He's the mayor, I want someone driving him around so he can work and make calls and stuff. New Yorkers shouldn't want him wasting all that time on the subway.

We all have to wonder what Bloomberg is really thinking of with this congestion pricing tax scheme. Maybe he mostly just wants a new tax. Just wrap it up in ‘concern for the environment’, and then people can just demonize those who oppose it.

If he cares so much about traffic jams, congestion and air pollution, why does he let Park Avenue be blocked off? Why doesn’t he do anything about that?

It's true, Pershing Square Restaurant blocks Park Avenue going South at 42nd St. for about 12 hours a day/5 months of the year! This Causes Massive Congestion and Air Pollution!

But apparently it does not bother NYC’s Nanny-in-Chief Mike “Congestion Pricing Tax” Bloomberg?

It certainly supports his claim that the city is hugely congested.

Check out the map! Tell your friends!

Check it out!



Kelli said...

Too funny about the cucumbers! Your zucchini is huge and I'm going to be dreaming about fried green tomatoes tonight. :0) I heard about the explosion on the news, I'm glad that your neice got home safely!Kelli

Anonymous said...

Wow, what do you feed your plants with ?? Amazing..

They are unusual and I guess the cucumber culprit - will be found out eventually !!

Yes I have just seen pictures of the devastation that huge explosion caused in New York - and I am so pleased your niece arrived home safely too.

Do take care


Lynne said...

Little blue pd-I'm not that familiar with the Pershing Square Restaurant problem. I stopped driving to NYC years ago. I always take the bus or train. I will look into it.

Kelli I'm finally getting some normal cucumbers. I might try making some fried green tomatoes since I do have a shortage of red ones!

Peter- I do use Miracle Grow, but I've always had luck with tomatoes. They love the acidic soil in New Jersey