Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sgt. Pepper's Magical Mystery Mushrooms

Hey, I don't remember planting these! Look what's growing in the same containers with my peppers:

And this mysterious fungi is just downright scary:

And here's a more psychedelic photo of the "mystery mushrooms":

I do like peppers and mushrooms on my pizza, but I don't think it's a good idea to eat these.

Funny thing, about two summers ago in this very same spot, I had planted a Beatle garden (I LOVE the Beatles). It featured a mini "Strawberry Fields", a "Pepperland", an "Imagine" stepping stone, and a walrus. One day I noticed that a certain illegal drug was also growing in my little garden. I have no idea how it ended up there, but I thought it was a fitting tribute to the Fab Four so I "Let It Be". It was a bit of a novelty for us that summer, until my hubby pulled it out. I guess that was the smart thing to do, but I wish I had taken a picture of it.
So now it appears the mystery gardener is at it again. I am thankful this mischievous little sprite has kicked his naughty habit. Or perhaps he has a secret garden yet to be discovered.


... said...

a beatle's garden... what a cool idea. how in the world would that mystery plant get in there?

i think the mushrooms add decoration to your pots. do you have to take them out?

Kelli said...

How funny about the naughty plant in your Beatle garden! I love your mushroom pictures. Whenever we find mystery mushrooms in the garden the girls say the fairies left them. :0)
Thank you so much for sharing your special summertime memories with me. I enjoyed reading about them!

Anonymous said...

The mystery of the garden intruder and the 'magic' mushrooms - trips down 'strawberry fields', do indeed come to mind.

Perhaps you are also 'sleep walking' to the garden to plant your youth - once again?

A delightful post and equally appealing photos too.


Lynne said...

Diana-the mushrooms kind of shriveled up on their own after a day. I thought they were cute while they lasted.

Kelli, they did look like little fairy umbrellas and it was raining hard the day before-it is possible.

Peter-I may have had a midsummer night's dream or two in the garden.

Anonymous said...

Say no more - we all understand :wink:
