Monday, July 16, 2007

Flower Power

Well, here I go with some more garden pictures. This first one shows rudbeckia (aka black-eyed susans), gayfeather (liatris), and purple coneflower (echinacea). The butterflies love to visit this spot.

Here are some daylilies:

Some close-ups of the black-eyed susans and purple coneflowers:

And this last one is a hardy hibiscus also known as a swamp rose mallow. I just planted this last weekend in honor of Ladybird Johnson who did much to preserve native American plants. The blooms only last a day, but they are large-this one is at least 6 inches in diameter.

These are all perennials and thrive where I live in NJ. They seemed to have enjoyed that heat wave we had here last week. And best of all, the butterflies are attracted to them, but they were a bit camera shy-better luck next time!
Thank you for visiting my garden.


Kelli said...

Your garden is gorgeous! I love the purple coneflowers and the swamp rose mallow is incredible. I'll bet some beautiful butterflies are stopping by for a visit!

... said...

not only are your flowers beautiful but your photos of them are awesome. i wish i could have a garden of flowers. i seem to kill them off each summer. i'd like to blame it on our heat and elevation, but our neightbors seems to be able to grow them. and you said you've had heat. so it must be me :(

Anonymous said...

You sure know how to look after your - wonderful garden!!

My poor garden (I think that's what it's called) - is taking a battering - with all the rain and strong winds - typical summer - over here.

Great photo's


Lynne said...

Kelli, the butterflies seem to be visiting everything except my butterfly bush. Was hoping to get some photos, but they move so fast!

Diana I had plenty of garden disasters until I checked out what my neighbors had success growing and borrowed some of their ideas.

Peter, sorry about your garden and rainy weather, sounds like the kind of spring we had here.