Saturday, May 5, 2007

An Unexpected Visitor...

First the birds, then THE BEE, and now THE BEAR. My sister had a party at her home yesterday up in north Jersey. Some of us were on the deck out front when we noticed this visitor across the street. I know it's hard to tell from the picture above (I didn't want to get too close), but that black thing in the middle is a bear standing upright, having a little snack at a bird feeder in my sister's neighbor's yard.

In this next photo, I'm a bit closer and THE BEAR is moving as you can tell from the blurred image (or could it be because I'm trembling a bit?). Meanwhile, the people who live in this home are pulling into their driveway which is on the opposite side of the house. My brother-in-law walked over there to inform them about their "guest". And my sister is yelling, "Lynne, how fast can you run in that long skirt you're wearing?" And do you know what I was thinking this whole time-"Wow, I need to get some pictures of this to post in my blog!"

Here he or she is, heading back into the woods. My brother-in- law and his neighbor frightened it away by banging pans together and firing a paintball gun. Both THE BEAR and the blogger escaped without a scratch. He wasn't seen again for the rest of the evening, and here I am, safely home again , to tell the tale.
Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

1 comment:

Portrait of Peter said...

Wow, Lynne, that is kind of frightening seeing a bear close up to a home.

When i clicked to enlarge the top photo - made him/her - even larger - which makes it all the more an appealing photo - at least from the safety and comfort of the home.

Just goes to show - one should always carry a camera!!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.