Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Mystery of the Lost Bill

Open Yellow Mailbox with Mail Inside by Len Delessio

The call came last Saturday morning as I was getting ready to go to my sister's house. I was already running a little late when the phone rang, so I answered it thinking it was my father, since we were riding up there together.
Wrong! It was the billing department of a certain major US auto maker informing me that my car payment was late.
But I had mailed it two weeks before. I called my bank and found out the check had never cleared. So I went online and made the payment plus a small late charge, wondering what had happened to that bill.
A few days later, I had the answer and now I'm more confused than ever. I received a letter from a major wireless service containing the original check I had written for my car payment and a note informing me that my "check is not payable to V______n Wireless". Well there's a darn good reason for that-I DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH V______N WIRELESS! How my car payment ended up there really baffles me. And what's more amazing is how their letter ever made it to my home-my name and address look like they were written by a blindfolded chicken!
So from now on I'm going to have that car payment automatically deducted from my checking account. Seems like there's some strange things going on with the US Mail. I can't take the chance of "Repo Man" paying me a midnight visit. I really need my car.

I do have V______n for my regular phone service. I'm thinking of mailing their next payment to the company that finances my auto loan so they receive it on a timely basis.

Like their commercials say:"Can you hear me now?"


heiresschild said...

hi, stopping by via "portraitofpeter's" blog. i have V_____n DSL and my internet is finally back up and working again after a month of phone calls and endless conversations. long story, but thank God for a happy ending.

Portrait of Peter said...

I thought we had it bad over here - with the mailing system!!

Much prefer to have my bills paid direct from my account - less hastle and no lost cheques!!

Even today, postie tried to give me other peoples mail!!

Have a good day.

Carla said...

Just dropping by from Portrait of Peter's. Very funny story...but sorry you ended up with a late charge. There's no telling where things end up with the postal system.

ChrisB said...

Hi I dropped in via Peter; I can empathise with your story has a similar thing happen recently with my electricity and that was already being pd by a direct debit. They kept mailing me saying I hadn't upped my payments when I was in credit. (then they blamed it on the computer!!) all got sorted thank goodness, but it all takes a lot of effort.
Hope you don't mind if I borrow your quiz.

Lynne said...

Chris, free to borrow the quiz-it's not mine. I found it at There are a lot of interesting quizzes at that site.
My sister and brother-in-law both work for V______n, but I haven't talked to them about this yet-they'll probably think it's funny!
I also get my neighbor's mail at least once a week-I usually deliver it myself if it's on the same street.
Have a great weekend.