Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Anniversary Honey!

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz
"Lucy, I'm home-now get off that computer!"
This famous TV couple so remind me of my hubby Carlos and I, he the Latino with the heavy accent, often butchering the English language in a way that still makes me laugh even after 16 years.
And while I don't have red hair, I often get myself into "Lucy" type messes which I try to hide from him, but somehow he always finds out about them.
I even share a birthday with Desi "Ricky" Arnaz.
And before we bought our home, we rented from a couple who reminded me of Fred and Ethel.
So we are spending this day at a college graduation party for my niece, we had our little celebration last night.
I made his favorite dinner and we had a quiet evening together.
Our special day is also the anniversary of the day our beloved Shetland Sheepdog, Archie left us and it still makes us sad.
I would one day like to get a pair of Shelties and name them "Lucy and Ricky".
But for now I need to get ready for that party, I still have to buy a card for my niece.
Looks like I've got to get moving or I'll have some 'splaining to do!

1 comment:

Melissa E. said...

Happy Anniversary and thank you for visiting my site and commenting on my daughter's show and tell!

We will have been married 11 years this next week. I'll have to be sure and post about it myself!