Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Bee and Me

Buzzy Bee by Lila Rose Kennedy
Buzzy Bee

Since I posted about birds the other day, I thought it would be only fair to give bees equal time, after all it is Spring.
We've had some heavy rain here recently which caused a little bit of water to enter our basement. I was home most of the weekend, so I left the basement door and windows open to help speed up the drying process. Anyway, Sunday night I went down there to close the windows and I saw what I thought was a dead bee, a BIG, furry, dead bee, anchored to the window screen. So I took a piece of paper from the trash and tried to remove this bee from the screen and it started to move and it sounded off a warning BZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Nope, not quite dead yet! Turned out the fuzzy little buzzer was only sleeping. (Bees sleep???) Anyway, I quickly shut the window, leaving the bee between screen and glass, thinking I'll deal with this tomorrow.
The next day, while I'm walking around the yard doing my daily poop scoop patrol, I remember THE BEE. So I checked the window fom the outside-yep still there. I rattled the screen a little-BZZZZZZZZZZ! Yep-still very much alive. I slide the screen open a few inches, thinking bees have like a thousand little eyes so he'll see the opening and fly away. Nope, that doesn't happen. I find a small stick, slide it between the window and screen and gently poke at the bee in his business end, trying to coax him towards the opening. THE BEE does not like this and moves further inside.
After violating THE BEE a few more times, he finally finds his way outside. He buzzes angrily past me, probably swearing at me in a way that only a bee can. I watch him as he flies into my neighbor's yard and, uh oh- makes a beeline to his open back door.
And like THE BEE, I also buzz off, for I do not want to know what happens next.


Kelli said...

I'm glad you didn't get stung! I think the big fat yellow bees are so pretty but only if they are a distance away! LOL

Portrait of Peter said...

Lynne, first the birds and now the bees - I think I had that lesson some time ago (joke - honest).

I often have same problem - one has to open the window so wide and they still have difficulty in leaving!!

So luv the posting a great read.