Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Story of the Dogwood Tree

Dogwood Blossom by Silva
Dogwood Blossom

As a child I heard this tale,
Long ago during the days that Jesus
was here on earth in the form of man
there were many dogwood trees.
The dogwood was comparable in
size to the oak tree and other
monarchs of the forest. Because of its
firmness and strength it was
selected as the timber for the cross,
but to be put to such a cruel use
greatly distressed the tree.

Sensing this, the crucified Jesus in his gentle
pity for the sorrow and suffering of
all said to it: "Because of your
sorrow and pity for My sufferings,
never again will the dogwood tree
grow large enough to be used as a cross
. Henceforth it will be slender, bent and twisted
and its blossoms will be in the form of a cross
two long and two short petals
In the center of the outer edge of
each petal there will be nail prints
brown with rust and stained with red
and in the center of the flower
will be a crown of thorns, and all who see
this will remember."

~ Author Unknown


Kelli said...

That was just beautiful!!


Portrait of Peter said...

A story I have never heard and yet feel as if I know. So beautiful in itself and a touching portrayal - if only the author was known.

Thank you for sharing and for your kind comments.

Do have a wonderful day.

Lynne said...

Kelli and Peter: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I remember hearing the story when I was a child and I was thrilled to find it on the internet to share with you.

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