Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Benefactor

British Virgin Islands, Anguilla by Terry Donnelly

Someone where I work has been posting these Morning Reflections on our bulletin board for the past several years. It was a mystery as to whom was doing this, for their email address had been deleted or cut off at the bottom. These reflections would appear almost daily and no one knew where they were coming from.

Well, this past Friday it was quite a different story. Not only was the Morning Reflection in its usual place on the bulletin board, there were extra copies placed on every table in the cafeteria. I brought one home because it really spoke to me. And I now know who my "benefactor" is, for this time he left his name and email address at the bottom. It was quite a surprise, for I would never suspect that it was this particular person. Anyway, here is part of the Morning Reflection for that day:

Lamentations 3:22 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Thought for today: Regardless of what happened yesterday, there is hope for tomorrow.

Reflection for the day: God is a God of hope

The company I work for has been bought out buy another and the deal officially went through yesterday. There are going to be some big changes ahead and my future with this company is uncertain, but I've been strangely at peace with this. Maybe it's God's way of telling me that He's with me and every thing's going to be okay.

And if you haven't already done so, please check out the Morning Reflection site. I plan to visit daily, maybe I'll "see" you there!


... said...

i didn't know about that site. that's cool. i'll be visiting there regularly, too.

sorry about the company being sold. don's company was sold and it was final last week. he's in the same boat as you. not knowing the future and just waiting. i'm glad you're feeling at peace with it. i know God will take care of you. He is faithful.

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