Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Need Some Christmas Spirit!

Santa with Angel
Santa with Angel

I'm really trying to get into the Christmas spirit, but it just doesn't seem to be happening yet. I've been listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, doing a little decorating and shopping, but I'm just not feeling that joy inside. I did get some disturbing news from my doctor a few days ago that I'm going to need some minor surgery soon. Seems I've been playing host to this large gall stone for some time and it really should come out before there are serious complications. I've been doing a lot of research on this the past few days and it's not really bothering me that much yet and my blood work is okay, so I guess Mr. Gall Stone will be spending the holidays with me. My real concern is that both Carlos and I may be losing our jobs soon (we work together) and if that happens, then I also lose my health coverage.

So I'm paranoid that I will eat or do something that might set this little time bomb off. I know I'm being silly; it's such a minor thing that's completely treatable and the news could have been much worse. I guess I should feel blessed that it wasn't something more serious.


... said...

Yes, you should feel blessed that it's not more serious, but what you're feeling is normal. I understand more than you know.

I'm dealing with the whole diabetes thing and Don could be losing his job. I know there's blessings in my life and I am thankful, but I'm a little scared, overwhelmed, trying to feel the joy of Christmas, and not wanting to stress Don out anymore than he is.

You will be in my prayers. I pray for your health, for your job (and Carlos'), and that you will be overcome with the spirit of Christmas.

Lynne said...

Thank you for praying for us, Diana. You and Don are also in our prayers. Although we are miles apart, we seem to be experiencing the same things right now.

Kelli said...

I will be praying for the job situation and about the gallstones, Lynne. I had my gall bladder removed several years ago. I'm glad that the stone isn't bothering you at all!

Janet said...

It seems that gall bladder problems run in my family but so far (fingers crossed) I haven't had any problems. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with this and also the job situation. I'll keep you in my thoughts. As for the Christmas spirit, your house looks as if you have it! I love all the lights....and your blog's banner is beautiful. I think you have it!!