Monday, December 10, 2007

Ever Hear Of This Tradition?

As long as I can remember, relatives on my mother's side of the family hung a Christmas card with a picture of the Three Wise Men above the front door. My Mom would usually send us one while she was alive, and sometimes my Dad still does. One year when I was feeling really ambitious, I cross-stitched Three Wise Men Christmas cards for my entire family. Boy, my fingertips and eyesight paid dearly for that! But everyone liked them, so it was worth it.

I spotted the above box of Three Wise Men cards while shopping at Barnes and Noble and thought I would send these this year instead of my usual kitty and puppy Christmas cards. I could almost hear Mom's voice telling me to buy them: "Don't you think it's time you sent a grown-up Christmas card instead of those cutesy ones? Aren't you like 51 now?"

Okay Mom, I heard you. I bought the cards.

But it also got me wondering-what is the meaning behind all this? Just why do people hang Three Wise Men Christmas cards above the front door? So I turned to that wealth of information, the internet, for answers.

First I read how in Europe, people write the initials of the Three Wise Men along with the year, in chalk blessed with holy water, on the main door to the house to bless their homes for the new year. Then I came across this interesting site, full of Irish folklore and traditions, which says it is done to bring health and harmony to one's home. But my mother was Italian, not Irish, so it still left me wondering. I guess I need to do a little more searching.

Has anyone else heard of this tradition? Perhaps there is a Three Wise Men Christmas card hanging above your front door, too.


Changes in the wind said...

I have never heard of this tradition. The only thing that comes to my mind is that maybe it represents a household seeking Jesus. I love other traditions...find them fascinating.

... said...

no, i have never heard of this tradition. it sounds cool, though. let us know if you find anything else.