Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Lights

Here's how our Christmas lights look so far. These are colored icicle lights, it's hard to see the colors in the photo. We still have a little bit more to do, like put some lights on the arborvitae bush (tree!) that's in front. It was snowing a little when I took these pictures. Looks like our garbage can managed to sneak into the photo in the bottom center.

Carlos is kind of obsessed with these lights and is constantly checking to see if any have gone out. What is it with these men and their Christmas lights?

This is the Nativity scene in the front window. I still have to put the angels up when I find some more of those suction cup hook thingies. If you look through the blinds, you can see the inside of our messy house.

Thank you for looking at our Christmas light photos.


Changes in the wind said...

Very pretty:)

... said...

very pretty. i love lights on the houses. unfortunately, we're not putting any up this year. with don's stress level, i just didn't want to ask him to do it and the older he gets, the less comfortable he is up a ladder or the roof. i'll just have to enjoy the lights on other people's homes - like yours. thanks for sharing.

Kelli said...

So pretty, Lynne! I love icicle lights.
P.s. I got the candies at World Market (Cost Plus).