Saturday, April 21, 2007

Earth Day Craft

Here's a little something I picked up at the Country Folk Art Craft Show. I think it's a lovely way to reuse a pretty glass bottle or other glass container. And it's also very simple to make. All you need is a strand of rice lights (this one has 20 tiny bulbs) and whatever you want to decorate it with. There are no holes to drill, you just put the lights into the bottle opening. This one has a grape cluster made of clear and opaque green beads and some raffia tied around the bottle neck. It looks really pretty when it's lit-my photos do not do it justice. What a creative way to use something that would have otherwise ended up in the trash.

Hmmm-I wonder how this would look with a cobalt blue bottle? How I wish I was creative enough to think of something like this. I don't remember the name of the booth where I bought this from or else I would print it here. Anyway, happy Earth Day to whomever reads this. I plan on spending most of the day outdoors, cleaning up a bit and enjoying this beautiful planet the Lord created for us .

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