Monday, April 9, 2007

Butterfly Bush

If I could have only one plant in my garden it would be this one. It's also called a buddleia. This shrub is a butterfly MAGNET! I've also seen a few hummingbirds-a rare sight where I live. It blooms through most of the summer and into the early fall here in NJ. The blossoms look very much like lilacs and are very sweet smelling. It can grow quite large if not pruned regularly. It's also best to remove the spent blossoms to keep it blooming longer. It likes full sun and is very hardy and besides the occasional pruning, it requires little care. One of my favorite things to do on a lazy summer day is to sit on my front porch with a good book and a cool drink and and see what comes to visit my garden. I never tire of watching all these beautiful, wonderful creatures the Lord created-so much better than tv!

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