Monday, June 11, 2007

Sometimes Dogs Know Best

It began as a typical week night, the usual routine- dinner, catch a little news on TV, a little computer time, wash dishes, etc. Then it started to rain and thunder, which is fine because it is much needed here. My vegetable and flower gardens really appreciated it. But it did put a damper on my evening walk with Raven. I could see the disappointment in her sad doggie eyes.

Then it happened-It stopped raining and the sun came out and the sky was many shades of blue, gray, yellow, and orange. I thought for sure there must be a rainbow out there, but when I looked in the part of the sky where I usually see one, there was none. Raven was still giving me those sad doggie eyes, so I grabbed her leash and off we went, into that surreal evening sky, straight out of an Edvard Munch painting. I half expected to see that figure from "The Scream" come running down the street. Come to think of it, that really wouldn't be such an unusual happening in my neighborhood!

Scream by Edvard Munch

And then I saw the rainbow. It was leading straight up into the clouds, a kind of "stairway to heaven". A cross atop a nearby church steeple had taken on a golden glow and the effect was really stunning.

And I had forgotten to bring my camera along!

So Raven and I continued our walk and then I noticed another rainbow. This one was higher up in the sky, almost directly above us. It was surrounded by orangey-colored clouds and was so beautiful. I only wish I could have taken a picture to post here!

By the time we arrived home, the sky had darkened somewhat and all photo opportunities had disappeared. I guess I'll have to wait for the next evening shower to catch a rainbow.

So I would like to thank my dog, Raven for convincing me to take this walk tonight. If it wasn't for her, I would have missed out on the way God smiled on my gritty little city this evening.

And I learned that rainbows are not always where you would expect to find them. And sometimes it takes a dog to teach you that.

1 comment:

Portrait of Peter said...

A wonderful posting Lynne and does go to show the therapeutic value of having a dog.

Raven is a beautiful dog and who better to share the joy of a rainbow.