Friday, June 22, 2007

Show and Tell

It's Show and Tell Friday. To see more great show and tells and join in the fun, visit Kelli's blog and leave a link to your post.

My show and tell for this Friday is this seashell wreath that I found at a flea market a few weeks ago. I was looking for something summery to hang on the door and I've always loved shells and nautical things so this caught my eye. It has a captain's wheel and an anchor in its center and if you look closely there are tiny shells inside those triangular thingies around the outside edge. That green stuff is some kind of artificial sea grass-I think I need to tame it just a little bit. And I think it's also time I took down those dark red curtains that you can see behind the wreath and put up something a bit more seasonal :oD.
Thank you for looking at my wreath and thank you, Kelli for hosting the Show and Tell.


Cheryl said...

That is a cute summery wreath. I would leave the grass the way it is, makes if look very "fresh/alive" :-)

Susan said...

A very different wreath with the sea shells.

Trella said...

That is neat, I have never seen anything like it. Very pretty and it is a neat summer's wreath.

... said...

a very unique wreath. isn't it great to come across something you really like. something artistic that speaks to you in some way. it must feel good to be able to display it not only where you can see it but others, too.

thanks for sharing.

Myrna said...

Very unique. It does lend a summery look to the door!

Unknown said...

It's cute and different than what most would have on their door. Good find!

Portrait of Peter said...

Lynne, you never fail to amaze me with your talents for hunting out such things!!

I so like the wreath and it does indeed reflect so much of the sea and of summer too.

Thank you for sharing.

Kelli said...

It's a very summery wreath! So cute!!


Anonymous said...

That is just lovely and perfect for summer! I've never seen anything like it.