Saturday, November 3, 2007

Christmas in November???

Today along the east coast we are bracing for the remnants of hurricane Noel. High winds, rain, and high tides are expected for part of today. Guess where my wacky hubby is? Down by the waterfront fishing!!!

I've chosen to stay home and do laundry in case we lose power later. And it is kind of nasty looking out there. Anyway, I'm also "test driving" the new medication my doctor has prescribed for me. I'm reading the warning labels on the side and they say things like "May cause dizziness, do not operate heavy machinery".

Does a washer and dryer qualify as "heavy machinery"?

Also don't forget to turn back the clocks tonight. I wish there was a way to "re-program" my dog and kitty as well, for I know they will be waking us up super early in the morning.

Anyway, enjoy your extra hour tomorrow and have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Yes I think a washer and drier - do count as "Heavy Machinery" - and you will just have to allow your husband to partake of this chore....

Our clocks went back last weekend - and I must be like your pets - I woke up early too....

Enjoy the thought - anyway - of a long lie in.

Kelli said...

I agree, be careful around the washer and dryer. It's probably best to let someone else do the laundry for awhile. Hehehe.
