Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You Gotta Love It!

Well isn't this cute! As the hubby and I were getting ready for work this morning, I noticed that Jeter, our cat, has quite the life of leisure. What a racket he has going: two meals a day, a roof over his head, maid service (someone's gotta clean that stinky cat box!), and free medical care! I want your life Jeter!!!

I guess he didn't think we'd notice him sleeping on our bed on that kitty quilt. C'mon you lazy cat-get up and catch a mouse or something!! Earn your keep around here!

Oops sorry-did I wake you? Poor baby-what a hard life you have! Well now that I have your attention, maybe I can teach you how to clean the bathroom. Or at least you could put away some of your toys! Never mind-go back to your nap. After all, you're just a kitty cat.

So go to your favorite window and spend the day watching the birds and butterflies. There's food in your bowl in case you get hungry. And if you get really bored, you can always tease the dog. Just please don't hurt each other- I can't afford the vet bills right now!

All I ask is that you greet me at the the door when I come home, maybe with one of those cute kitty nuzzles. After all, being a cat is what you do best. And who knows, I may not even notice all that litter on the bathroom floor or that hairball on the sofa.


Janet said...

I enjoyed this post....we have two spoiled rotten cats that rule the house! I'm with you....I want their life! But they do snuggle good and they purr and rub against my leg so I guess they can stay.

... said...

lol. i could have written the same post. boy, our pets have it rough, don't they? and although i enjoy watching my cat and dog "playing," i'm get a little concerned when the play turns a little rough. don't want to make a vet trip because of two animals playing with each other.

Kelli said...

Awww..what a wonderful post and what a sweet kitty you have!! He looks so relaxed and not too happy about having his picture taken during his nap..hehehee.
