Monday, September 10, 2007

Oprah Update....

Well today was the big day. I was at the afternoon taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show in NYC and it was about the children of September 11th. It will be aired tomorrow and it is a pretty emotional show, so if you plan on watching keep the Kleenex nearby.
My sister and I spent a few hours waiting on line because although we had tickets it was general admission. So here's my advice to you if you ever think you'll be in that type of situation: make sure you take along some bottled water and something to eat! Or else you may find yourself eating breath mints and sugarless gum for lunch. Nothing like scrounging around your purse looking for something edible. But I have to say it was all worth it-Oprah is awesome!!!


... said...

i thought about you today as i was watching her show today. it was good but i think i'd rather go to the one you did - the one about the children left behind from 9-11.

i saw oprah once when she came here to denver. it wasn't her usual show - more of a conference. but listening to her speak for a couple of hours on her passion and encouraging others to find theirs. i'd go listen to her anytime. glad you had a good time.

Lynne said...

Thanks for thinking of me, Diana. I did enjoy the show, even though parts of it are pretty sad. Oprah does have a gift of saying the right words to comfort people.

I'm not sure if I got on camera-I hope not!! I did have an aisle seat so it's possible. (I'm the chubby lady in the brown dress!)

Anonymous said...

I saw the show today. Yes, very emotional. I like your posts about 9/11. A very moving story. Thank you.