Monday, January 21, 2008

More Of Him Monday

Diana at Sunshine On My Shoulders is hosting More of Him Monday, If you have something you would like to share, please visit Diana's blog and leave a link to your post.

I have a confession to make: Our Christmas tree was up until this past weekend (don't worry-it's a fake one!) I always feel a little depressed after the holidays and maybe it was my way of holding on to that Christmas spirit that filled my heart less than a month ago. I try to hold on to it the way tinsel clings to those discarded trees I see laying on the side of the road. Seems like that feeling got boxed away with the decorations. And looking at my shabby Christmas tree for a few extra weeks did NOT do the trick. So I guess what I'm really trying to say is this-how does one feel that joy in their heart the other eleven months of the year?

I know Jesus is there for me 24/7, 365 days a year. And I do think of myself as a pretty spiritual person, but I just want to have that feeling of "peace on Earth goodwill to men" all or at least most of the time. Maybe I'm trying too hard or perhaps I need more quiet time with Him. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Unknown said...

Hi Lynne, I'm visiting via Diana's blog. My suggestion for you would be to find the one or two things that remind of you of the "feelings" of Christmas. Is it the music? The Bible story? Go browse your local Christian book store (or online if you aren't close to one), look for a devotional book that jumps out at you. My favorite authors are Max Lucado and Joyce Meyer. They always stir my soul and I feel that God is speaking directly to me. Also, I love music, and great music stirs my soul as well. I have also found some very inspirational blogs that I read.

God's blessings on you as you seek to know Him more!

... said...

heather has some good ideas. but i know how you're feeling. i think what it is for me is that (almost) everyone else is feeling the Christmas spirit as i am. there's this feeling that the whole earth has a giving and joyous spirit during the holidays. and then when it's over, we all go back to our same old routines.

for me, it's trying to find what God's purpose for me this year. i'm trying to be intentional in hearing His voice and doing what i think He wants for me. there then comes joy in the obedience and helping others (which is what i feel he's asked of me in the last couple of weeks).

thanks so much for honestly sharing your thoughts and feelings today.

Lynne said...

Thank you Heather and Diana for your wonderful suggestions. I feel God is trying to get through to me, but my mind is filled with so much clutter, I have difficulty hearing Him. I do have several Christian bookstores in my area and I will be browsing there soon.