Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Snowy Sunday...

Woke up to our first snowfall today. It was the "cute" December kind of snow-you know the type that covers the ground, but doesn't stick to the roads. The really fluffy stuff that you can just sweep aside with a broom.

Here's a photo of our little "casa". Those are our Christmas lights hanging from the gutters, not icicles. And if you look closely, you can see that there is still a painted Halloween pumpkin sitting on the porch-maybe I should put a Santa hat on it! Or if we get a little more snow, I can build a snowman and use it for the head!

Raven loves the snow, our kitty, Jeter, not so much. She seems to be wondering "Where did the cherry tomato plants go?"

And here's my Jeep, sporting a frosty mustache. The darn thing appears to be smiling and saying "Got snow?"

I've been feeling pretty lousy since Thanksgiving with a nasty head cold-sinus infection kind of thing. I still dragged my sorry self to work all last week and really ran myself down, and that's why I haven't been around lately. I did manage to get out to the mall this weekend and here are a few things I learned about Christmas shopping:

1. Keep away from the stores you love or you will end up buying YOURSELF a lot of Christmas presents, instead of gifts for your family and friends.

2. Visit Bath and Body Works AFTER Yankee Candle and not vice-versa! You don't want your hands to be slippery from all those yummy hand lotions that you sampled if you are going to be opening and sniffing housewarmer candle jars.

3. If you are shopping with your hubby or boyfriend and lose him, most likely he can be found in a department store near the large screen HD televisions.

4. When you are exiting a store and the security alarm goes off, don't think "it's not me." Chances are, it is YOU, because the cashier forgot to remove a security tag from one of your purchases. Unfortunately, you will not discover this until you are home (don't ask me how I know this.)

Looks like I will be making another trip to the mall very soon!


Kelli said...

What a pretty little snow! Your home looks warm and cozy!

... said...

jeez... what great lessons you learned :]

i've actually ended up home and found the security devices still attached to my clothing. how does that happen?

hope you're feeling better. it's a terrible time of year not to be feeling in tip top shape.

Changes in the wind said...

What sweet pictures...home sweet home for sure. Love the car with the mustache:)
Good advice on the mall............I will take heed.