Saturday, August 4, 2007

Summer Memories

Vintage Drive-In
Vintage Drive-In

Does anyone remember the drive-in movie theaters? This used to be one of my favorite things to do on a summer night. When we were kids, my parents would often take us as there were several in our area. We often went in our "jammies" so we would be ready for bed when we arrived home.

As I got older, I often went with my friends. It was pretty cheap-only a few dollars for the whole carload. And believe me, we would squeeze in as many as possible. You could even bring your dog if you wanted (my friend sometimes did). My vehicle at the time was a real boat of a Chevy, a perfect drive-in car.

It was the perfect summer date, that is unless your friends discovered you there and decided to surprise you by banging on your car's window while you were (ahem) watching the movie. This was particularly fun to do if a horror movie was playing.

I really don't remember when they started to disappear, maybe in the late 70's or early 80's? Many here in New Jersey were replaced with shopping malls and large condominium complexes. Real estate taxes rose so high here and since it was mostly a warm weather operation, it just wasn't profitable anymore.

Of course some HAD to go because they were a bit of a nuisance. Like the one that was located under the bridge that gets a lot of shore traffic in the summer. This particular drive-in played mostly naughty movies and since the screen was clearly visible from the bridge, it caused quite a few fender benders. And I'm sure not too many parents were thrilled about the free show their kids were getting as they drove over the bridge.

So I checked and I see there are still some active drive-ins in the US and Canada. You can find out more info by clicking here. I would really like to take Carlos to one someday, as he did not grow up in this country and has never been to one. And maybe we'll bring Raven, I think she would like to see "Underdog". Betcha no one will be banging on our windows!


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Most of the drive-in movies theatres closed down here years ago, too. We still have 2 originals, although many miles away from where I live. In the past few years, though, friends of mine have re-opened one, about 15 minutes drive from home. It has 3 screens, and the candy bar is set up like in the 50s/60s ... with free pinball machines, and all !! We have taken Chicky a number of times, and it is always really busy there, particularly in summer. You need to get there really early, just to get in !!
Thanks for the memories, though ... fun !!
Take care, Meow

Anonymous said...

I have seen them on 'movies' and always thought they were a great idea.

Such a shame that focus appears to be centred more on 'profit' out of entertainment, rather than the enjoyment of everyone having fun!!

I think Raven's presence at the window would deter anyone from 'banging on the car!!
Might also deter you and your hubby tooo - so watch the movie - instead!!!


Lynne said...

I checked and there is one in New Jersey, but they don't allow dogs :o(. Maybe if I put a wig and a pair of shades on Raven and some clothes I can sneak her in! It is a bit of a drive from where we live.

Meow, I hope they catch on again here in the US-looks like they may be slowly making a comeback. Your friends' drive-in sounds like a really fun place!

Peter, sadly most things here seem to be centered on making a profit.
My hubby gets such a kick out of them when he sees one in a movie-he finds it hard to believe that they actually existed. I take it that there were none in the UK?

Anonymous said...

Yes, a great idea,

She already looks great, without the make-up!!


Lynne said...

Yes, Raven is aging gracefully Peter (unlike myself!) She would make a good "chaperone" at the drive-in. If we had teenagers I would have her accompany them on dates.

... said...

i, too, loved the drive-in. such great memories; as a kid (like you described; in jammies) and as a teenager (loved, ahem, watching the movies =])

remember the playgrounds they had way down in front? it was so much fun going early and playing on the equipment. why? i don't know. lol.

i didn't look at the list (yet) but i know we have one here in the denver area. it's not really close to me so i haven't gone, but i've passed it many times and i'm glad it's there. the kids of today need to experience a drive-in.