Friday, August 24, 2007
Show And Tell
Kelli at There Is No Place Like Home is hosting a Show And Tell Friday. If you would like to join in the fun, please visit Kelli's blog and leave a link to your post.
I present to you all my Show and Tell for this Friday:
No, this is NOT an artifact from some ancient burial site. It is a self portrait head sculpture I made in one of my college art classes. Judging by that hairdo I'm guessing I made this sometime during the late 70's or early 80's. Looks like I never did get around to finishing the mouth. I remember after the class completed this assignment, the teacher turned off the lights in the room and we sketched our self portraits by candlelight. And I must admit, my head definitely looked better in that dim lighting!
I kind of have that same blank stare on my face right now as I have spent a lot of time online today unsuccessfully trying to get tickets to Oprah's NYC show. So I guess "my head" and I will be watching that episode from the comfort of our living room.
Thank you for looking at my Show and Tell and thank you Kelli for hosting.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I feel like I've been such a naughty blogger not posting for a few days :o(. I've been pretty busy lately both at home and my job and by the time I get around to using the computer it's almost beddy-bye time and I'm so sleepy. I attempt to leave comments at your blogs and I usually end up mis-spelling words or hitting the wrong key and deleting everything. I have a lot of catching up to do both in my home and cyberspace, but I just want you all to know I'm still around and appreciate all your kind comments.
I've also started reading this book, The Sunny Side, Short Stories and Poems for Proper Grown-Ups. It's by A.A. Milne (yes the Winnie the Pooh author) and it sounded like an interesting read. When I'm finshed reading it, probably about ten years from now, I'll give you all a little review. The print is also adult friendly, larger than normal, which is right up my alley.
Well my eyelids are getting heavy and I'm starting to babble so I'm gonna go while I'm still somewhat alert or I just may accidently delete my entire blog. Good night and God bless you all.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Show And Tell
It's Show and Tell Friday! If you would like to join in the fun, please visit Kelli's blog and leave a link to your post.
My show and tell for this week are these Roly Poly tobacco tins. They are reproductions, I bought them years ago while vacationing in Cape May, NJ. I'm not a smoker, but I thought they were cute. The originals are hard to find and are usually pretty expensive. You can read a little bit more about their history by clicking here.
This distinguished looking gentleman is called the "businessman":
There's a tobacco ad on his back:
This smiling dude is the "cowboy":
And I think everyone knows who this jolly fellow is:
I only have these three but I'm always on the lookout for others. My cat would make an excellent model for one of these tins!
Thank you for looking ay my "Show and Tell" and thank you Kelli for hosting.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Zucchini Appetizer
Check it out-I finally tried one of those "Betty Crocker Recipe of the Day" recipes in my sidebar! It was the "Zucchini Appetizer" one (any recipe with the "z" word in it catches my eye this time of year) and it actually turned out edible. And I also had all the ingredients on hand so it was super simple. I've been looking for ways to use my monster zucchinis-they're so big the dog's afraid of them. I've made some sweet types of zucchini bread-Carlos doesn't really care for that type of thing, so yours truly ended up eating most of that. However, he really liked this and I will be making it again.
I'll admit I had my doubts about it before I put it in the oven. It didn't look too promising, in fact it looked downright gross! I expected it to turn into an "Our Gang" type wee-wow cake and take over my kitchen! But it turned out well-I did bake it about 5 minutes longer than the recipe called for. I also sprinkled a little Parmesan cheese on top while it was still warm and cut it into larger pieces. I served it as a side dish with our dinner. So if your looking for more ways to use up that surplus zucchini, I highly recommend this recipe.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Show and Tell
It's Show and Tell Friday! Part of my show and tell is I finally was able to copy this graphic from Kelli's blog-and I have no idea how I did it-I'm such a tech wiz!
If you would like to join in the fun and see other great show and tells, please visit Kelli's blog.
My show and tell for this Friday are these antique earrings. They once belonged to my great-grandmother from Italy. They were passed on to my grandmother and then to me. It is a tradition in my family for the bride to wear these earrings on her wedding day. I plan on giving them to my oldest niece when she marries, as I have no children.
I believe these earrings are about 100 years old and made of platinum. There are two diamonds in each earring. They have some pretty little details, it's hard to tell in this photo. I think you can click on the picture to get a better look.
Thank you for looking at my "Show and Tell" and thank you Kelli for hosting.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Flowers In Love?
I wonder if any cross-pollination has taken place? They are both types of coneflowers. Have to remember to collect some seeds to plant next year. Maybe something interesting will result from this flowery fling!
Have to admit, they do make a cute couple!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Little time Out...
I need to do a lot of this:
And some of this:
And who knows-if this heat wave comes to an end, I may even spend some time in here:
Plus both hubby and pets are feeling a bit neglected.
I also have lots of reading to catch up on and a pile of papers (bills!) to attack.
See you all soon!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Summer Memories
Vintage Drive-In
Does anyone remember the drive-in movie theaters? This used to be one of my favorite things to do on a summer night. When we were kids, my parents would often take us as there were several in our area. We often went in our "jammies" so we would be ready for bed when we arrived home.
As I got older, I often went with my friends. It was pretty cheap-only a few dollars for the whole carload. And believe me, we would squeeze in as many as possible. You could even bring your dog if you wanted (my friend sometimes did). My vehicle at the time was a real boat of a Chevy, a perfect drive-in car.
It was the perfect summer date, that is unless your friends discovered you there and decided to surprise you by banging on your car's window while you were (ahem) watching the movie. This was particularly fun to do if a horror movie was playing.
I really don't remember when they started to disappear, maybe in the late 70's or early 80's? Many here in New Jersey were replaced with shopping malls and large condominium complexes. Real estate taxes rose so high here and since it was mostly a warm weather operation, it just wasn't profitable anymore.
Of course some HAD to go because they were a bit of a nuisance. Like the one that was located under the bridge that gets a lot of shore traffic in the summer. This particular drive-in played mostly naughty movies and since the screen was clearly visible from the bridge, it caused quite a few fender benders. And I'm sure not too many parents were thrilled about the free show their kids were getting as they drove over the bridge.
So I checked and I see there are still some active drive-ins in the US and Canada. You can find out more info by clicking here. I would really like to take Carlos to one someday, as he did not grow up in this country and has never been to one. And maybe we'll bring Raven, I think she would like to see "Underdog". Betcha no one will be banging on our windows!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Show And Tell
My show and tell for this week is the gazebo in our backyard. As you can see, my dog Raven enjoys using it also:
It's nice and shady under here-just ask my hubby. This is where he spent yesterday afternoon when he locked himself outside. We did get a larger table and some placemats with palm trees on them:
There are shelves for plants and I also hung windchimes in each corner:
It's also a good place to ripen tomatoes:
And this tropical hibiscus bloomed just in time for "Show and Tell Friday" so I had to take a photo:
Thank you for looking at my show and tell and thank you Kelli for hosting.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Yes, that's what I was doing this afternoon. I had come home from work early and turned on the TV to watch the Yankee game. Took some pain reliever for my shoulder and sinus headache and next thing I knew I was out out out (just like the Yankees!)Meanwhile my hubby had come home, went into the backyard and accidently locked himself outside. He tried banging on the door and windows but neither Raven or I heard him (good watch dog, eh?)
So it was Jeter to the rescue (my cat that is, not the Yankee). This cat is programmed to come out of hiding everyday at 5pm to indulge in his favorite hobby-eating. And nothing wakes you up like a large hungry kitty jumping on you. I awoke and stumbled into the kitchen and noticed hubby's keys on the table, I had no idea he was home, as there was no sign of him inside the house. I went outside into the stifling heat and there he was, a little mad and very sweaty. Maybe tomorrow I'll show him my secret way of breaking into the house!
And the Yankees also lost.
By the way, if you want to find the coolest spot in your home, take notice where your cat likes to sleep. Mine seems to like the corner behind the sofa-I think I'll pass on that!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Hot Hot Hot!
Evening Dresses for August 1808, from Le Beau Monde or, Literary and Fashionable Magazine
What dreadful hot weather we have!
It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance.
- Jane Austen
Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.
- Ann Landers
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?
- Steven Wright
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
- Sam Keen
Can you believe it's August already? We're about to embark on a week long heat wave in NJ, seven days of hazy, hot and humid weather. Yes, that sure sounds like August to me.
So, what do you think of those summer fashions from 200 years ago in the above picture? Kind of cute, but I would prefer shorter sleeves for the warm weather. I wonder what they wore to the beach?
Well, I'm going to enjoy a LAZY summer evening on the porch-a little too hot for "walkies" tonight. Stay cool wherever you are!