Sunday, July 15, 2007

She's Baaaaaaack!

An Old Lady Who Has Lost Her Shoe -- Her Dog Appears to Have Stolen It! by Cecil Aldin
An Old Lady Who Has Lost Her Shoe -- Her Dog Appears to Have Stolen It!

Whoops-took an unexpected blogging break. Been a little busy catching up on things that I've neglected-like spending time with my Dad. We spent the day in Pennsylvania yesterday, even got a little lost! But that's okay, sometimes you discover some out-of-the-way places that you otherwise would have never known about. Well that was not the case with us, but we did enjoy some beautiful scenery.
Well It's back to work for Carlos and I tomorrow. It was nice to be away because things are getting a bit challenging (actually downright ugly) at my job, but I do not wish to go into details about it because you never know who may stumble across this blog. I do try to focus on the positive side of things and it helps to get me through the rough moments. God has blessed me in so many ways and I try to remember that when the going gets tough.
Well, I guess it's time time to get back into my usual routines. I used to dislike routines but as I've gotten older they have become a necessity in order for me to stay focused.
As I type this, my soon to be 12 year old "puppy" is nudging me to go for a walk. I called her "puppy" because she chewed my favorite pair of summer shoes and I had to go to the mall today to see if I could find another pair like them. And would you believe the only pair left in my bigfoot size 10 were the exact color that I wanted, (score!) and they were also on sale (double score!)
It's still about 90 degrees here, so Raven is going to have to wait another hour or so for that w-a-l-k. Meanwhile, I'm going to savor the last few hours of this lovely weekend. Here comes Raven again-maybe we'll take that walk sooner, I'd hate to lose another pair of shoes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back - thought you had got lost - just goes to show - buy a GPS SAT NAV - and it works too - I sound like a salesman..

Oh Raven, and chewing - attention seeking - me thinks!! Still you got a new pair and at a discount.

Must admit that heat would bug me too - especially having to walk raven outdoors - ever thought of a treadmill?

Would you believe we had glorious sunshine on Sunday and now early Monday morning and back to rain!!

Enjoy the week.
