Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Summer

Yay, my yellow roses are blooming (I love yellow roses). It feels like summer here, it was at least 90 degrees today. The days are getting longer and it's so nice spending the evening outdoors.`

I planted some flowers in this strawberry jar that I gave up trying to grow strawberries in. These are portulacas, they do well in the summer heat and like a lot of sun. Some herbs also do well in this type of planter. This one sits on my front porch.

Well, that's all for tonight, have to get up super early in the morning. Thanks for stopping by.


Portrait of Peter said...

Lynne, I so luv to see roses and your photo's are so wonderful and equally appealing.

A wonderful idea of the strawberry jar and the flowers - they do give a welcome feel and especially in such beautiful sunshine - as we have today.

Long may it last.

Steffi said...

Very nice pictures!!I like garden pictures too!