Saturday, April 21, 2007

Show and Tell

I just love the idea of a Friday show and tell-thanks to Kelli at There's No Place Like Home. Sorry I'm a day late.
This is a painted Mrs. Butterworth bottle I found at a shop in NJ that sells mostly vintage items. I don't think this is very old, but I love the details like the rick-rack trim and the beautiful painting on Mrs. Butterworth's apron. It's signed in the back by J Weinperl. I have no idea who that is, but they sure are talented. There are so many tiny details on this piece that can't be seen in the photo. I'm sure the artist put a lot of time into this Mrs. Butterworth makeover and I'm happy to have her in my home.


Kelli said...

She's very pretty...I love her apron! Thank you for joining in for show and tell!

Susan said...

How cute. I've seen a lot of the Mrs. Buttersworth bottles but never one painted. Clever idea on someone's part.