Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Postal Service No One Hears About...

International Postal Mail

My sister sent me this email and I thought it was the sweetest thing. I'm not sure who wrote it, but it's always uplifting to hear about acts of kindness like this. Enjoy!

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her.

She dictated and I wrote:

Dear God:

Will you please take special care of our dog, Abbey? She died yesterday and is in heaven. We miss her very much. We are happy that you let us have her as our dog even though she got sick. I hope that you will play with her. She liked to play with balls and swim before she got sick. I am sending some pictures of her so that when you see her in heaven you will know she is our special dog. But I really do miss her.

Meredith Claire

PS Mommy wrote the words after I told them to her.

We put that in an envelope with two pictures of Abbey, and addressed it to God in Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith stuck some stamps on the front (because, as she said, it may take lots of stamps to get a letter all the way to heaven) and that afternoon I let her drop it into the letter box at the post office.

For a few days, she would ask if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch. Curious, I went to look at it. It had a gold star card on the front and said "To Meredith" in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith took it in and opened it.

Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers, "When a Pet Dies". Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its opened envelope (which was marked Return to Sender: Insufficient address). On the opposite page, one of the pictures of Abbey was taped under the words "For Meredith" We turned to the back cover, and there was the other picture of Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper:

Dear Meredith,
I know that you will be happy to know that Abbey arrived safely and soundly in Heaven! Having the pictures you sent to me was such a big help. I recognized Abbey right away. You know, Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me--just like she stays in your heart--young and running and playing. Abbey loved being your dog, you know.

Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets!-- so I can't keep your beautiful letter. I am sending it to you with the pictures so that you will have this book to keep and remember Abbey.

One of my angels is taking care of this for me. I hope the little book helps. Thank you for the beautiful letter. Thank your mother for sending it. What a wonderful mother you have! I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I am in heaven but wherever there is love, I am there also.

God and the special angel who wrote this after God told her the words.

As a pet lover, this is one of the kindest things that I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is some very kind soul working in the dead letter office. Just wanted to share this act of compassion.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lord of the Miracles Procession

I live in a very culturally diverse neighborhood and there are many different kinds of festivals and religious events held throughout the year. A nearby church has a large Peruvian congregation and today they held their annual Lord of the Miracles procession.

This was literally going on outside my front door this afternoon. The devotees dress in purple tunics and carry this large frame with the image of the Lord of the Miracles for hours. It weighs at least a ton. A band playing solemn music follows the procession. Women walking in front of the procession carry large incense burners and sing hymns.

In the back there is an image of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus:

This gentleman was lifting up babies and small children to touch and kiss the image:

I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo, but a few ladies and teenage boys were also helping to carry the frame:

Carlos preferred to watch from the porch:

You know, when I first saw this procession about two years ago I thought it was a New Orleans type funeral. I even told Carlos that it was the kind of funeral I wanted when the time came. He looked at me like I was crazy (he does that quite often) and said "Lynne that's not a funeral, that's something the people from Peru do!" I am such a dummy!

Well it's starting to get dark-I'm going to see if this procession is still going on. I think I still hear the band playing. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this little bit of Peruvian culture.

Psssst-you can also click on the photos to see the beautiful details especially the first two pictures.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Show and Tell

Yay-it's finally Friday and that means it's time for Show and Tell. If you would like to join the fun, please visit Kelli's blog and leave a link to your post.

My show and tell for this week are these visitors to our butterfly bush. These are monarch butterflies and I've been getting dozens of these pretty winged creatures lately. They migrate to Mexico in the fall and since I live in NJ they still have quite a distance to go. I'm glad they are stopping by here along their journey for a snack:

They must be really hungry because they don't seem to mind having their picture taken:

Looks like I have some serious pruning to do on that butterfly bush!
There's still some action going on in my flower garden. This Autumn Fire sedum has just begun to bloom:

Thank you for visiting and looking at my Show and Tell

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You Gotta Love It!

Well isn't this cute! As the hubby and I were getting ready for work this morning, I noticed that Jeter, our cat, has quite the life of leisure. What a racket he has going: two meals a day, a roof over his head, maid service (someone's gotta clean that stinky cat box!), and free medical care! I want your life Jeter!!!

I guess he didn't think we'd notice him sleeping on our bed on that kitty quilt. C'mon you lazy cat-get up and catch a mouse or something!! Earn your keep around here!

Oops sorry-did I wake you? Poor baby-what a hard life you have! Well now that I have your attention, maybe I can teach you how to clean the bathroom. Or at least you could put away some of your toys! Never mind-go back to your nap. After all, you're just a kitty cat.

So go to your favorite window and spend the day watching the birds and butterflies. There's food in your bowl in case you get hungry. And if you get really bored, you can always tease the dog. Just please don't hurt each other- I can't afford the vet bills right now!

All I ask is that you greet me at the the door when I come home, maybe with one of those cute kitty nuzzles. After all, being a cat is what you do best. And who knows, I may not even notice all that litter on the bathroom floor or that hairball on the sofa.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saying Farewell To Summer...

Well what a gorgeous weekend we had here in NJ! Okay, Saturday morning it did rain a bit, but the rest of the weekend it was sunny and cool, a nice change from all that heat and humidity we had in August. I'm starting to feel human again.

Saturday we took Raven to a park to a few miles from here. It was a perfect late summer afternoon. The Rutgers football team was playing nearby and we could hear the fans cheering and the band playing from where we were. There's also a small zoo at this park featuring goats, emus, one looking sad coyote, and a llama named "Dolly". I forgot to bring my camera, but I'm sure we'll be going there again soon, so next time I will take some pictures.

I've been gradually putting away our summer things. The weather has been so unpredictable here that I know if I pack up all of our summer clothing, we will most certainly have a 90 something degree day soon afterwards.

I hung a fall wreath on our front door and put a Yankee Candle Farmhouse Apple scented tart in the tart warmer. Just little bits of autumn to get me motivated. I really love the warm, spicy, scents of the season. And all the beautiful rich colors. And by the way, if you ever find yourself in the Pocono mountains in Pennsylvania, you MUST stop here:

That's American Candle on Rte. 611 in Bartonsville, Pennsylvania. Yeah, you can always visit them online, but it's not the same. I took these pictures last year and that building in the photo is just a very small portion of the store. I think I was really trying to get a picture of the trees. Anyway, nothing awakens my female shopping gene like this place. There are candles in every color, scent, and form that you can think of, plus there are all kinds of collectables, barrels of penny candy, kitchen items, Christmas decorations, and many, many other wonderful things. I could spend hours here just looking at everything. I'm hoping to go here again sometime in October when the leaves are putting on their annual show. My youngest sister used to live near here, but she moved back to New Jersey-boo hoo!

Well, it's getting late so I'm going to say goodnight. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Be back soon.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Show and Tell

Kelli at There is No Place Like Home is hosting a Show and Tell Friday. If you would like to join in the fun, please visit Kelli's blog and add a link to your post.

My show and tell for this week is this carved wooden cross. My father found this years ago at a yard sale and bought it for my mother and she eventually passed it on to me. It really does have a lot of nice details-you can probably see them better by clicking on the photo. It did come out a little too dark.
I have no idea how old this is. It has the initials ES on the back and that's it. It's about a foot long and 9 inches wide and it hangs above the door in our master bedroom.

I really need to learn how to take better indoor pictures!
Thank you for looking at my Show and Tell and thank you Kelli for hosting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th memories


There is so much I could write about the World Trade Center. I have lived my entire life within 30 miles or less of Manhattan. I remember watching them being built over 30 years ago, wondering just what those two towers were and and how tall they were going to be. The above picture is how I best remember them-gleaming golden in the sun. They were a spectacular sight.

The morning of September 11th 2001 I was at work. We usually listen to a New York radio station, but on that fateful morning one of my co-workers had brought in some cd's and we noticed that among them was one by the Bay City Rollers. So a few of my other co-workers and I thought it would be funny if we put on "Saturday Night" and dance to it in front of the guy who had brought the darn thing in. Our supervisor goes to a meeting every morning at 8:45 so that is when we turned the radio off and put in the cd. The first plane hit the towers at 8:46 am and here we were, less than 30 miles away, dancing like fools.

We found out moments later what had happened as we were making our way up front for our morning break. We pretty much spent the rest of our workday huddled around the radio listening to the news. Some people left work to take their kids out of school and many of us thought we were about to be nuked at any moment since flight 93 was still unaccounted for and it had taken off from Newark. Some people formed prayer circles as many of us knew someone that worked in the World Trade Center. People that hadn't spoken to each other for awhile were shaking hands and hugging. There's nothing like a tragedy to bring people together.

I remember the drive home from work later that afternoon. It was a beautiful clear sunny day and there was this eerie calmness all around. There was hardly any traffic on the normally congested roads. And then I saw it-the long plume of smoke across that sunny blue sky. And that's when it really hit me and I started to cry.

I live right across the river from Staten Island, one of the five boroughs of NYC. There is a bridge near my home which connects New Jersey to Staten Island. As I got closer to home I remember seeing these abandoned cars everywhere. All the bridges and tunnels to New York were closed to all traffic except emergency vehicles and I assumed people left their cars and walked over the bridge to reach their destinations. I never really did find out for sure.

I drove to our local Home Depot where there is an excellent view of New York City from the parking lot. I got out of my car and could not believe what I was seeing in front of me. To see the NYC skyline enveloped in a shroud of smoke has to be the most unreal thing I have ever witnessed-I will never forget it.

The smoke lingered here for weeks. I remember yanking out what was left of my vegetable garden because everything was coated with this fine ash and I did not want to ingest whatever was in that dust. After seeing what many of the rescue workers are going through, I think I made a wise decision.

Tonight depending on the weather, I may be able to see some of the "Tribute In Light" from my front porch. It's not a full view like the picture below, but you can make out two lights if the conditions are right. And even if they're not, I will still be outside at 9:11 pm like I have done for the past six years, praying for the victims and their families.

World Trade Center Memorial Lights, New York City by Rudi Von Briel
World Trade Center Memorial Lights, New York City

Where Was God On September 11?

Where Was God on September 11, 2001?

How many of us have heard that question "Where was your GOD when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was attacked?" Well I know where my GOD was the morning of September 11, 2001, and He was very busy!

He was trying to discourage anyone from taking these flights. Those four flights together held over 1000 passengers and there were only 266 aboard.

He was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the ability to stay calm. Not one of the family members who were called by a loved one on one of the hijacked planes said that passengers were screaming in the background. On one of the flights he was giving strength to passengers to try to overtake the hijackers.

He was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade Center. After all, only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings held over 50,000 workers, this was a Miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the World Trade Center told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays.

He was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple when the jets impacted. And when they did fall, they fell inward. GOD didn't allow them to topple over, as many more lives would have been lost.

And when the buildings went down, my GOD picked up thousands of his children and carried them home with him. Reassuring his frightened children that the worst was over and the best was yet to come.

He sat down and cried that 19 of His "misguided" children [terrorists] could have some much hate in their hearts. That they didn't choose Him, but another god that doesn't exist, and now they are lost forever.

He sent his children that are best trained for this disaster and had them save the few that were still alive, but unable to help themselves. And then sent many others to help in anyway they were needed.

He still isn't finished though, he held the love ones that were left behind in his arms. He comforts them daily. His other children are given the strength to reach out to them and help them in any way they can.

And I believe he will continue to help us in what is to come. He will give the people in charge of this great nation the strength and the wisdom to do the right thing. He would never leave us in our time of need.

So when anyone asks, "Where was your GOD on September 11", you can say "everywhere"! And yes, although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I see God's miracles in every bit of it. I keep praying for those who don't believe in GOD, every chance I have. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in GOD...

Life would be hopeless.

[Author Unknown]

Monday, September 10, 2007

Oprah Update....

Well today was the big day. I was at the afternoon taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show in NYC and it was about the children of September 11th. It will be aired tomorrow and it is a pretty emotional show, so if you plan on watching keep the Kleenex nearby.
My sister and I spent a few hours waiting on line because although we had tickets it was general admission. So here's my advice to you if you ever think you'll be in that type of situation: make sure you take along some bottled water and something to eat! Or else you may find yourself eating breath mints and sugarless gum for lunch. Nothing like scrounging around your purse looking for something edible. But I have to say it was all worth it-Oprah is awesome!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A bit Of A Dilemma....

Santa Marie by Raphael

I know I haven't been around much-I've been very busy both at home and at my job and I'm trying to savor these last few snippets of summer (although I'm REALLY looking forward to autumn). So imagine my surprise when I arrived home today and among the bills and assorted junk mail was this:

I have in my possession 2 of the hottest tickets in NYC!!!!
But here is the problem-I don't know who to take with me. I have three sisters, but only one extra ticket. My hubby has already told me he doesn't want to attend and suggested that I bring my father. YIKES!! I can't fathom bringing the "Popster" to that sea of humanity known as Manhattan-I'm afraid he'll wander off and I'll lose him. And then I myself will one day be featured on the Oprah Show when the topic is "Adult Children Who Abandon Their Aging Parents At Train Stations In Major U.S. Cities".
Anyway, I'm thinking of asking a friend at work who desperately tried to get tickets and was unable to because her computer decided to crash while she was attempting to access the site. I hear that the show may be about 9/11 and this friend of mine was the first person who informed me about that horrible tragedy. So right now I'm kind of leaning towards asking her. But I don't want to upset my other friends at work. Boy, I really need to pray on this!!!

So I'm wondering what should I do?